Eat, Drink and Be Merry

Wine Witch on Fire

A memoir written by Natalie MacLean. Wine Witch on Fire: Rising from the Ashes of Divorce, Defamation, and Drinking Too Much recently became a national bestseller. Natalie also characterizes herself as the ‘Chief of Wine Happiness.’ I couldn’t agree more!!

Wine Witch on Fire Beta Reader

I had the incredible opportunity to be a beta reader for Natalie’s memoir before she published it earlier this year. The reading was fun, inspiring, and uplifting as the story resonated with me and my former life. As I finished each chapter, my comment section was full of praise and bravado. I enjoyed her candor, wit, and her ability to tell a serious misfortune she overcame.

Wine Witch on Fire Chapter Titles

Natalie’s memoir is an inspiring story of a woman navigating the treacherous current of the wine industry, finding her voice, and regaining her power through a true connection to a time and place, human terroir. This spirited tale has a witchy effect with intriguing chapter titles like Tempest in a Wine Glass, Good Witch Hunting, Labelling Luna, Charmed, The Scarlet Letter C: Copyright and Cabernet, and last not but not least, Boil and Bubble. Each chapter details her trials and tribulations, which is nothing to cackle about.

Wine Witch on Fire Podcast

In episode #35 of Provisions and Libations, Natalie and I discuss everything under the moon and wine. I confessed to wanting to be like Natalie when I grow up, as she is living my dream, and I admire her for that. If you want to taste with her, she has an online wine tasting on November 9th. She has a book club guide for her Memoir for all your book club groups.

In an effort not to vandalize her privacy, Natalie walks us through her journey to rebuild her reputation amongst colleagues and fall in love simultaneously. She refers to her journey as Life after Life and remains positive, funny, uplifting, and heartwarming. Her anthem came from the song, “I am Woman!” and she sang it word for word during her troubling times.

She shared an excerpt from the book about her first best wine, Brunello. Listen to the podcast to hear her words for yourself. You will be mesmerized as I was.

“Natalie Maclean writes about wine with a sensuous obsession … and often laugh-out-loud funny … terrific.”

Rex Picket, Sideways

Wine Witch on Fire Ongoing Endeavors

To learn more about Natalie, she hosts the New York Times recommended podcast, Unreserved Wine Talk, and offers popular online wine and food pairing classes at Natalie’s website contains information regarding wine, classes to explore, and wine reviews, amongst many more. You can also purchase her memoir or other books she has written for yourself or others by clicking the following link. That’s it for now. See you at the bottom of a glass of Chardonnay. Happy reading.

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